Details details details
April 30, 2014
I’m no fan of Metadata I can assure you. Or the method Omeka requires its users to enter it. They could at least offer an auto-fill option. According to my observations, so much of the metadata one enters for these online exhibits is repetitive. Many documents, graphs, still images etcetera a user would enter for an exhibit have at least a few of the same characteristics. Providing auto-fill is the least they could offer. I would also like to be able to edit more than one item at the same time. If all my time wasn’t being spent on entering stupid metadata I would look into sending feedback to Omeka. My exhibit contains several documents from the same source, are the same format, same description, creator, contributor etc etc. Imagine how easy it would be to enter those things all at one or with an auto-fill. Also, when adding an item, the user enters the “Dublin Core” metadata, clicks save, then we need to click edit item to add the file itself, click save, click another tab to add tags…. NOT USER FRIENDLY.
But as we continue to load files, or items, into our exhibits, we deepen our understanding of the trials and tribulations of those who lived and died during the atrocity of the grossly misnomered Civil War.